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  1. Nene Leaks
  2. Kim k
  3. Kim Jong Um


Famous monster Birth Year
King Kong 1933
Dracula 1897
Bride of Frankenstein 1935
Famous Monsters by Birth Year
Famous Monster Birth Year
King Kong 1933
Dracula 1897
Bride of Frankenstein 1944

Questions About Webdesign

What is a server? How is it different than a standard computer?

A server is a database that that manages files to be shared and exchanged in a network. Servers store data to one or more computers, while an indiviual computer only store data for one.

What are the tags needed for HTML tables?

required tags for html tables are < tr > table header, < tr > table row, and < td > table dataX.

What does an iFrame allow you to do?

iframe allows users to insert data from other websites into their own.

What does the < a > tag do?

the < a > tag attatches a link.

What does the < tr > tag do?

the < tr > tag allows you to make table rows