There are loops that you can set to repeat for a certain amount of time. There are loops that can loop forever. Lastly, there are loops that can repeat until you tell them to do something else.
The loop with the best structure would be the forever loop.
The following loop structure does not work. It doesn't make sense because once the sprite says "Forever Loop!" once, it will just keep saying "Forever and Ever!!" for forever.
Question #4: Sprites can know when to begin an action because of the event that you put down in the code. A sprite can begin an action when the green flag is clicked, when any key is pressed, when a sprite is clicked, and when they receive broadcasts from other sprites.
The code snippets are equivalent because in both cases, if the spacebar is pressed, the sprite will say "Spacebar has been pressed." If the spacebar isn't pressed, then the costume will be changed.
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